Find a local Charity

The goal of The Santa Club is to help new members find a local charity that needs help during Christmas and beyond. We want helping charities to be easy for you and lots of fun. As time goes on we would love to list any local charities that are in need of help with things like, a coat drive, food drive, volunteers to serve, and so on. As a new member this should be a place where you can, as a family or as an individual find a charity that fits you. Find one that feels right for your family and give as little or as much as you can. Every little bit helps and as a new member we know just how excited you are to share the gift of giving.

If you know of a local charity then please send us a link with a small explanation of the need that they have. We shall post it here under the state that the charity is in. This will give all of our members and visitors a place to help out during Christmas and beyond. Please send the name of the charity, contact information, need, and the link to that charity to

Click here to view a list of charities we support!

More ways to donate coming soon!