Posts Tagged ‘The Santa Club stories’

The Moment Your Child Asks, Is Santa Real?

Tuesday, November 16th, 2010

Last night I saw an amazing post on Facebook.  This wonderful family, who bought the book, posted that they had a family moment when all four of the members read the book together.  With two school age children, I am sure the question of Is Santa Real came up and out came the book.

I have to tell you, the post said that it was a wonderful moment. (Thanks Nancy)  That is what the book is all about.  It is about that moment with your child.  When they want an answer about Santa and you not only answer them truthfully, but you take them from Christmas being the time you receive gifts to the time that you give The Gift of Giving. They become part of something bigger.   Those moments are truly the time we need to cherish.  Kids grow so fast and those moments we sit together are very special indeed.

As this book starts to spread we hope that you will share your Santa stories.  It keeps us grounded on what this little book can do, and focused on what we need to accomplish to help other families. We really believe that this is a gift, The Santa Club Book.  A gift to us in that we can share it with the world and a gift from above in that we are blessed with being the caretaker.

Thanks again Nancy for sharing.  We are blessed and thankful you took the time.

Have an amazing Santa Club Day,
