Posts Tagged ‘Kelly Moss’

Storytelling this Holiday Season

Friday, November 5th, 2010

I love storytelling.  Really love it.  I used to think that storytelling was a frivolous thing.  A way to pass the time, pure entertainment.  Like a jester in the medieval faire.   He would always recite stories but be the fool doing so.

Now, I think differently.  I realize that storytelling is really the communication of our lives.  I hear and tell stories every day.  My daughter tells me what school is like, a story.  My guys tell me about their classes and auditions, a story, and my husband tells me about his work, a story. I hear stories about my parent’s lives, and my beautiful nieces.  Our everyday life is made up of stories both good and bad.

My dad just called.  He is in Lake Placid, New York, watching our amazing nieces in their school play. It was a great story.  He told about how our oldest niece really shines when she is performing and the younger one was the best dog on stage! He also said that it is hard to be there in Lake Placid.  That everywhere he goes he thinks of my youngest brother Kevin, who passed. (See my past blog The Gift of Giving Can Be Given in Many Ways)  Lake Placid is a beautiful little town and nothing is far.  He told me how hard it is to drive by Kevin’s school where he taught, and the hockey rink, where he coached.  They were all places in Kevin’s story.  Even as short as Kevin’s story was it is so very important to us and others. Even though I miss Kevin terribly, I feel blessed to be a part of his short story here on earth. I know that I am much more blessed to have his short story intertwine with mine then not at all.  Kevin’s short story truly is a gift.

As I look back I think I have always thought of “stories” as made up.  But now I know that our everyday life is a story.  What we do, who we love, those actions are all part of our life stories.  I am sure you even have stories about doing laundry, cooking, cleaning if you think about it.  Going to work and doing chores are stories too.  Ones we want to make less of  in our overall story, but stories none the less.  Life becomes somewhat magical when you think about it that way, doesn’t it?  When I think I am making the bed, ok boring.  But when I think, I am making the bed as part of the story, it feels better.  It makes the chore so much more of a pause in bigger things to come.

This Christmas season is a time to make lots of new stories for you and your family.  When your child asks, Is Santa Real, think about how blessed you are to answer that question with the true story of Santa Claus.  I wish I could write what the book The Santa Club says.  (There is a fine line with answering the question, Is Santa Real, on the internet and smart children who are looking on the internet.)  I really believe that a parent or a special person in the child’s life should answer the question. For those of you who have asked, that is why the book must be read with a parent, grandparent or guardian.  Stories that we have together bond us. The moment when your child asks Is Santa Real, is a story in the making.

Part of talking about my book, is telling about that moment when my oldest Jonathan asked, Is Santa Real.  It is a great story. Now we have stories to tell from that point on with him, Jameson, and our daughter Alena just because of that moment.  Enjoy this Christmas Season; make great stories with your family, friends and new friends you meet.  Even the short stories, like Kevin’s are amazing and should be cherished.  Remember, you are very much a part of the story of life and this holiday season is great stories in the making.  Have a great Santa Club Day.



Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010

Since this blog is about everyday life then I wouldn’t be “keeping it real” if I did not talk about the historic vote last night.  First when I say historic, I mean just that…historic.  No emotion of whoo hoo or ooohhh, just exactly what it means, historic.  What was done last night has not been done in so very long, I think I heard 1943.  As I get older, I love watching history in action.  It is a humbling experience to think what we see firsthand, others will be studying for years to come.

So, what about the vote and how could this ever tie into Christmas and The Santa Club.  Well, I think it is the very essence of The Santa Club. I am sure you think I am stretching, but really let’s think about it.  The Gift of Giving and the story of Christmas are at the heart of Santa Claus.  I would like to think that most politicians are working to support our country, in the best way they are capable of, and that is giving.  They give their time, and they give of their energy.  Just like Santa…

I have been on many boards and know that working together when people have such different opinions is very hard.  We have also lived all over the country and know that because this country is so big, what is important to those in California, is not the same as Ohio.  Outside of the big issues the little issues run into play and we should never want to agree on everything because Santa Monica is not Cleveland and vice versa.  Think of it this way.  We lived in Santa Monica, CA, wonderful place, wonderful people. Santa Monica has a huge homeless population, really big.  Socially that is a big issue for them.  We have also lived in Parma, Ohio, great place, wonderful people there too.  Homelessness is not as much a social issue in Parma.

Homeless families and individuals should be all of our concerns, however, in Santa Monica it affects their budget, in Parma homelessness really isn’t a part of their budget…get the picture.  So, why can’t we see the differences at the National level and accept we are different?  If people voted because they are frustrated with the bickering in Washington, and I sure am, then really what people are saying is, give a little.  Give to each other.  Give kindness, give concern, and make your words Gifts of Giving.  Giving doesn’t have to be expensive and everyone who voted pretty much said, stop spending!

One of my favorite passages is Galatians 5:22-NIV- But the Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

That is what I think the vote is about and that is what The Santa Club is about.  Giving is as simple as a cheerful smile but real giving or loving others is following that passage.  No it is not easy and thank goodness I have loving family members who live this way every day and remind me to follow those words.

Now if only we could get all the politicians of every party to follow those words.  That is what I think people voted for, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and self-control out of Washington. The love, joy, and faithfulness are also a part of it, but hey let’s start with the above and the rest will come.   Remember, this is not about a religion, it is the golden rules, it is what every mom teaches their child, and it is the essence in giving and the essence of The Santa Club. You can still be passionate, and still be strong. Please do not think the passage Galatians 5:22 waters strength and passion down.  It is just that self-control oversees the passion and strength.   “He who conquers others is strong; he who conquers himself is mighty.” Lao Tzu

So today is a new day.  As every day goes by I have a chance to conquer myself.  I can conquer the P-90X video, the eight glasses of water goal, the healthy eating goal (don’t like that one), living the Fruit of The Spirit passage, and The Gift of Giving goals I have for today. Our country is amazing.  After living overseas and spending time in Central Asia I know that for a fact.  I am blessed to be a citizen of this great land and to watch history take place.  God Bless America and all of our elected officials.  May every one of them and you have a great Santa Club Day.


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